Nana Meriwether
Jun 27, 2018
Week 26 | Social Media and Cell Phone Addiction: What You Need To Know About This Rising Public Heal
--Audio Guide-- The other night my friend Cindy was out to dinner with a guy and by dates end she took to our girly group chat to divulge...

Nana Meriwether
Jun 20, 2018
Week 25 | Everyone is Talking About It, What is Mindfulness?
--Audio Guide-- Whether you think all this wellness stuff is too fluffy or that the science behind it is too complicated to comprehend so...

Nana Meriwether
Jun 13, 2018
Week 24 | Can Somebody Please Explain What Blockchain is in English?! : Financial Wellness, What is
--Audio Guide-- Human Beings have been transacting since as far back as even thousands of years before Christ. Nowadays, transactions...

Nana Meriwether
Jun 6, 2018
Week 23 | Got (Plant-Based) Milk?: A Full List of Pros and Cons of Different Types of Plant Based Mi
--Audio Guide -- Does anyone drink real milk anymore? Dairy has certainly been a staple in the American diet. The USDA guidelines...