Nana Meriwether
- Jan 14, 2020
Week 3, Year 3 | Finding Your Mate
Everyone is always like know and find yourself before you get married blah blah blah. I never really understood what that meant so I...
Nana Meriwether
- Dec 3, 2019
Year 2, Week 49 | On Fasting
Alright here we go! I am headed into another fast. It is Tuesday, I will not eat until Thursday. I am doing a 36 hour this round. I did a...
Nana Meriwether
- Oct 11, 2019
Year 2, Week 41 | Oh Me, Oh Mind
Honestly the more I learn about the power of the human mind, the more I realize we are all just making sh*t up. Like money is just dirty...
Nana Meriwether
- Jun 23, 2019
Year 2, Week 25 | On Loneliness
"For what is loneliness? It is not necessarily defined as the state of being alone, for there are innumerable people who are always...
Nana Meriwether
- Apr 21, 2019
Year 2, Week 16 | Feel Limitless: The Power of Plants and An Introduction to Adaptogens
Do you remember that movie Limitless? Lest we forget, Bradley Cooper was in it. If you missed it, blasphemy! The movie was about Bradley...