Nana Meriwether
May 24, 2020
The Medicine and The Magic: Stinging Nettle | The Herb That Fueled Julius Caesar and The Roman Army
GENERAL EFFECT: Energizing, nutritive HOW TO USE HER: Nettle makes a delicious pesto, but I most often drink her as an overnight tea,...

Nana Meriwether
May 17, 2020
The Medicine and The Magic | Damiana: An Herb Known As ‘The Wild One Who Tames’
GENERAL EFFECT: Nervous system calming, mood enhancer HOW TO USE HER: I take her as a tea, I stir her into my Cacao, but you can also...

Nana Meriwether
May 6, 2020
The Medicine and The Magic: Oatstraw, An Herb To Calm Your Nerves
General Effect: Calming, nervous system restorative How to Use Her: I like to take my Oatstraw as an infusion (a strong tea steeped...