Jan 17, 2018
Week 3 | Play is Essential to Human Intelligence and Innovation: The Power of Play and Why I Go To B
Audio Guide --- I am 30 something years old and I love to dance around my bedroom with my roommate's cat - yes he runs away from me most...
Nana Meriwether
Jan 10, 2018
Week 2 | Does Intermittent Fasting Lead to a Longer Life? Here's How I Fast Everyday
Audio Guide How I Discovered Fasting While I had heard about it here and there, I didn’t really buy into fasting until I heard it...
Nana Meriwether
Jan 3, 2018
Week 1 | The Science Behind Yoga
Audio Guide --- I was a 2 time All American volleyball player for UCLA. Training was intense, we lived in the gym. For preseason we would...
Nana Meriwether
Jan 1, 2018
Welcome to Wellness
What does it take to be happy? I mean truly happy - walking down the street and smiling for no reason, happy. For so long my mental...